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Seeking The Ultimate Adventure:  Knowing  

by Diane Ho-Lung


Seekers know. They just know that there’s more to life than this reality seems to provide.  They just know they have something inside of them to offer to the world out there.  Something that will make a difference to someone or something….some day, some way.  They’re not exactly sure just yet, what that might be, precisely.  But it’s more than they’re doing in their lives right now.  They just know there’s got to be more. Just more.  And in their own way, they’ve always done their best to follow their inner guidance.  To do no harm.  To contribute to others and do their best work.  To be grateful and respectful and caring of their family and friends, and of beauty and of the earth. 

I’m one of those seekers.  I’m also on that journey to some day, some way.  Some folks respond (flippantly), “Why not now?  If not now, when?”  That might be a good question.  It could be, for sure.  What if you’re exploring, discovering, learning, garnering the resources, tools and resilience that will be required.  Perhaps, “now” is not the time.  But you know that already.  You also know if you’re kinda spinning your wheels, secretly waiting (wishing) for the penny to drop, for the choir of angels to sing and the burning bush to appear and the deep booming voice to say, ”Go do ‘this’ and it will all work out.”

Hmmmm.  What if the voice isn’t booming?  What if it’s that quiet inner voice within, the one that you hear from time to time, and listen to and occasionally act on, that you’ve been waiting for.  It’s been there the whole time.

“You’re kidding, right?  But that voice has never said, go do ‘this’.  Not that I’ve noticed, anyway.”  What if you already have permission to stand out and be an inspiration?  What if the only permission you ever really needed is from your Higher Self, God, the Universe….go ahead and ask, “Do I have permission to stand out and be an inspiration?”  I’m pretty sure you got a “Yes”.  The next question might be, “What action can I take that will be fun for me and create that as a reality?” But you wouldn’t want to ask that, would you?


What if you already know?  “Huh?” you say. 


What if I told you that there are tools that “empower you to know that you already know.” 

Did your energy and attention level perk up?  Did that send a frisson of excitement along your spine? What if the truth was simply this.  You were never given the vocabulary or tools to be accurate and precise about your knowing.  Without tools, how can you fine-tune the delicate, powerful high-tech instrument that is you, the conscious aware being that has lightness, caring, generosity, trust, truth, integrity, strength, honesty as its core, as the essence that is you.  The essential knowing of you, as you.

The more you connect with the being of you, the less you seek outside of you.  And the more you become aware of the possibilities and choices and creativity in the universe, the more space you have to be the being, the authentic you. 

The journey of self-discovery is exactly that.  A journey.  It’s rewarding and challenging and freeing and even exciting, with the anticipation of taking bold steps toward creating for the future, beyond this reality.  That might seem like a big statement.  Yet it’s true.  What if we can discover our talents and gifts and genius?  What if we had the tools that made it easier to be the authenticity we be?  What if it was Easy and Fun!

I’ve been blessed with learning many fantastic, useful tools along the way.  Some of my favorite and constant companions for this journey are the tools I’ve learned and experienced and continue to use.  The list includes Access Consciousness, Holodynamics, Matrix Energetics, Hawaiian Huna, EFT, and others for which I am indescribably grateful.  They allow me to contribute to others in ways I never imagined.

This series of articles will provide awesome, simple, pragmatic tools that, if you use them, can improve your life and living. They will connect your to your knowing.  They will give you more and more space to simply BE You. 

Welcome to the Journey – The Ultimate Adventure Into Who You Be.  



September 2016   

Bold Authentic You

Diane Ho-Lung
Diane Ho-Lung