

My target is that you break free of limitation in your life and manage challenges with greater ease. 

We all have things to deal with every day, ranging from getting kids ready for school, preparing for business meetings, to cooking supper and doing laundry. We'd love to rock the business presentation and have the teenagers do laundry willingly. Our businesses would be thriving, our vacations would be to exotic locations, our income levels  would be through the roof.  But this only happens in the movies... right?
Real life has kids pulling us in a million directions, playing chauffeur for the baseball/ballet/brownies/hockey teams, flopping the audition, failing at some point in a challenge or race, losing a bid to a business competitor, burning the roast for dinner, watching our bank accounts dwindle. 
What if it was not so stressful to manage our everyday lives? Could this really be a possibility?
Yes! It's absolutely possible.
Consider if you had simple, effective tools to: 
  • have more ease around time, money, relationships and health 
  • grow your business with confidence and strategic planning that works
  • make decisions with more confidence 
  • reduce emotional ups and downs 
  • have less stress
  • enjoy quality family time
  • spend more time playing
  • have way more fun!

If you do the work to follow through on the strategic aligned choices you make, tweak as you go, zig and zag as appropriate, and never give up on your vision, then as a wise and successful man I know often says," Success is Inevitable, it's only a matter of time." Christian MIckelsen


As your facilitator, I'll guide you 

... to release old patterns and limitations with ease.  My intent is to empower you to live the life that you enjoy by giving you tools that connect you to your own knowing and inner guidance.  I support entrepreneurs to make business decisions and choices about strategies, tactics, plans and programs so they can create the freedom they envision.
In a space of lightness, I facilitate change by using a unique blend of my intuitive gifts of energy clearing with modalities such as Access Consciousness®, EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique), Matrix Energetics, Holodynamics, Hawaiian Huna traditional healing techniques, and others. 

Diane Ho-Lung, The Business Empowerment Coach

Diane is practical and down-to-earth. Her calm easy-going style allows clients to hone in on what's really at the core of their business and lifestyle challenges as she supports them to gain clarity, reveal solutions and discover their inner wisdom. She invites strategic alignment on many levels of being including physical, emotional, mental, intuitive and creative. Diane uses her natural abilities and intuition to facilitate and guide heart-centered entrepreneurs to have more joy, freedom and ease with creating a business, life and living beyond their wildest dreams.



Two unique - and modern - transformation modalities that might appeal to you 

These are two fascinating and effective approaches to changing and transforming energies, as always with the purest of intent for the highest good of all involved.  They are amazing, in my experience with them.  If these energy healing modalities resonate with you and you'd like to know more, please visit their websites and as always,  follow your knowing.
Here are brief snapshots about Access Consciousness® and Matrix Energetics®  


Access is not about teaching, proving or instructing, telling what is right or wrong, what you should or should not do, it is about the facilitation of greater awareness of what else is possible for you and this planet. – founder Gary M. Douglas

Access Consciousness is an approach to how to be you in life. It is a modality that provides simple pragmatic tools to empower you to 'know that you already know'.  Access enables you to become aware of, and shift any area of your life that isn’t working.  You become aware of the possibility of ‘Being’ rather than constantly ‘Doing.’ 

Dr. Dain Heer and Gary Douglas are the founders of Access Consciousness. Both have written numerous books. Visit AccessConsciousness.com and Amazon.com


Access enables you to 'clear' points of view, stuck ideas and emotions that can be locked in the body and in energetic patterns that can show up in various ways, such as emotional reactions and physical issues.  Access tools include questions, clearing statements and hands-on healing techniques. 

An Access 'Difference' is Questions:  Asking an open-ended question opens up a space of awareness.  As we pause and 'listen' for an energy or awareness to show up rather than  jumping immediately to the answer, this practice of pausing for a breath makes it easier to stay present and notice our awareness and intuition in action, before giving an answer. Notice that we instinctively do this anyway, we often use our intuition when questions come up in our daily lives, and we just hadn't realized it cognitively.

A question can be a powerful tool. Most of the people who have experienced Access have glimpsed a new sense of their potential, and are learning and utilizing tools to reveal, unlock, and access that space of being.

In summary, Access takes a very different approach to asking questions. Rather than looking for the right (or wrong) answer, possibilities are invited to show up. 

Tools of Access Consciousness 

There are many Access Consciousness techniques for healing and transformation and they are effective with adults, children and animals. Practitioners, facilitators and classes are available around the world. 

1. Verbal Processes

The verbal processes release old patterns quickly and easily, without having relive or re-experience any trauma or drama.  This can help shift perspectives and allow different choices and possibilities to open up.

The Access Consciousness Clearing Statement is like a magic wand, it's designed to break up and uncreate old energy patterns that no longer serve us.  To know more about this and other life-changing tools of awareness, go to AccessConsciousness.com 



 2. Access Hands-on Techniques

There are many “hands on” Access techniques for assisting the physical body to heal itself, and for creating more space for you to be you, and to be in communion with your beautiful body.  

Two examples:

The Bars are 32 points on the head that when contacted will start a flow of energy and erase years of considerations, judgments, fixed points of view, plus the stuck negative feelings, attitudes, and emotions that they hold in place in the body and the being.  Running The Bars is similar to deleting unwanted file from your computer hard drive.  The Bars are the foundation of Access.

Cellular Memory is a process that works to restore cells in a specific location of the body to their original state.  When used in the site of an injury, it can help the body to eliminate scar tissue.



Matrix Energetics® is a system of transformation created by Dr. Richard Bartlett.  It encompasses a way of experiencing consciousness and the world through learning to play with the quantum morphic field of Matrix Energetics.  This approach to help yourself and help others is based on widely known scientific principles of Quantum Physics. 

A wide variety of tools, techniques and verbal processes are utilized in this energy healing and energy transformation modality. Classes and workshops are available in many countries. 

To find out more, go to MatrixEnergetics.com



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Roanoke, VA 24018 USA